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What is a Study Task?

Our BL Connect courses are designed to guide learners through a linear pathway or what we referred to as a Study Plan. Each Study Plan is composed of Study Tasks. A study task contains one module of content which can include lessons, flashcards and/or practice questions.

In the example below, the Study Tasks are grouped into different sections. For example, under the section Introduction, you will find two Study Tasks - Introduction and Meet Your Coach, Topic and Outcome. Within each of the study tasks, there are associated lessons and knowledge points.

Completing a Study Task

Once you’ve completed a Study Task, you will see a screen like below that shows your progress bar, a recap of the Study Task, your confidence levels, and the next Study Task.

Reviewing and missing the previous Study Task

As mentioned above, a Study Task may comprise several lessons. If you need to review a lesson from a previous Study Task, you may do by expanding the Study Task and selecting the lessons that you want.

Additionally, if you do not reach 100% completion of your Study Plan, you can identify the missing tasks by reviewing the checkmarks in the expanded Study Plan.

Did you know we have a BL Connect Introductory Course? If you’re new to BL Connect, we highly recommend starting with this course, which will make completing other courses easier.

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