What technology do I need to use BL Connect?
To ensure you have the most optimal self-directed professional learning experience, we recommend checking that you have the following:
A device with the ability to run modern browsers easily. We recommend using:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Keep your browser set to display the page (zoom) at 100% from within your settings
As of June 15, 2022, we no longer support Internet Explorer. Be sure to keep your browser up-to-date to use all BL Connect features.
Using BL Connect on a Mobile Device
To use BL Connect on your mobile device, please use any of the recommended browsers mentioned above along with one of the following:
iOS 14 or above
Android 11 or above
If you are switching between using your computer or laptop and your mobile device and need to see your progress, simply refresh your browser. No additional synching is required.
If you are using a school-issued device and need additional support accessing BL Connect, we recommend contacting your school’s IT department for further assistance.