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How do I use TeachFX in a Co-Teaching class?

Currently, TeachFX does not support recognizing two different teachers from within a single class report.

However, we have a couple recommendations for using TeachFX with a co-teacher in your class:

  1. The best option is for both teachers to create their own TeachFX accounts and record from their own device (phones work best). Each teacher will then receive their own report that identifies their voice as the “Teacher” and everyone else as “Students.” The limitation here is that when the other teacher speaks, this will show up as a student speaking.

  2. Another option is to record the part of a lesson where one of the teachers serves as the primary facilitator, while the other teacher is supporting individual students. These reports may be shorter, but they would provide insights into how the lead teacher promotes student talk since the other teacher’s voice won’t be as prominent in the recording.

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